FMAP: Forward-Chaining Multi-Agent Planning System |
FMAP is a fully-distributed general-purpose multi-agent planning (MAP) tool designed to cope with cooperative MAP tasks of any level of complexity. Planning tasks are described in a MAP language based on PDDL3.1 with some extensions to support privacy and information distribution. FMAP performs a multi-agent weighed A* search (f=g+2*h_DTG), where h_DTG is a novel distributed heuristic function based on the notion of Domain Transition Graphs. Agents jointly build a search tree in which the nodes are partial-order plans built in a forward-chaining fashion. Each plan in the search tree introduces and fully supports a new action with respect to its parent node in the tree. |
Source code:The source code of FMAP is available in the following link: Extracting the zip file will generate a FMAP folder that contains all the necessary files to run FMAP, which includes both the FMAP.jar executable file and the library file. FMAP runs on the Magentix2 multi-agent platform. To run FMAP, the Qpid broker of Magentix2 should be running in a computer accessible on the network. |
Multi-agent domains:We have generated a multi-agent version of ten propositional domains from the International Planning Competitions (IPC):
Usage:In order to run a multi-agent problem on FMAP (for instance, the pfile01 of the depots domain), the next steps should be followed:
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