| YEAR 2024 | |
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| Angel Aso-Mollar, Eva Onaindia An Efficient Approach for Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning Problems International Conference on Tools with AI (ICTAI), IEEE, pp. 694-701, (2024)
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| Angel Aso-Mollar, Oscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia Exploring Simultaneity: Learning Earliest-time Semantics for Automated Planning Workshop Bridging the Gap Between AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL), ICAPS, (2024)
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| Oscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal A hybrid approach for expressive numeric and temporal planning with control parameters Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122820), Vol. 242(122820), (2024)
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| Oscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia, Eliseo Marzal Automated feature extraction for planning state representation Inteligencia Artificial (10.4114/intartif.vol27iss74pp227-242), Iberamia, Vol. 27(74), pp. 227-242, (2024)
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| Stanislav Sitanskiy, Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia Learning and Simulating Human Behaviour with Relational Decision Trees International Conference on Tools with AI (ICTAI), IEEE, pp. 868-874, (2024)
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| YEAR 2023 | |
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| Diego Aineto, Enrico Scala, Eva Onaindia, Ivan Serina Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems Using PDDL+ Planning Proc. of the Thirty-Third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2023), AAAI, pp. 2-6, (2023)
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| Angel Aso-Mollar, Eva Onaindia Meta-operators for Enabling Parallel Planning Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop Bridging the Gap Between AI Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL), ICAPS 2023, (2023)
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| Mohannad Babli, Oscar Sapena, Eva Onaindia Plan commitment: Replanning versus plan repair Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ELSEVIER, Vol. 123(106275), (2023)
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| Sitanskiy Stanislav, Laura Sebastia, Eva Onaindia Learning and Recognizing Human Behaviour with Relational Decision Trees Workshop Human-Aware and Explainable Planning (HAXP), ICAPS 2023, (2023)
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